Saturday, January 30, 2010

Everything happens for a reason

I thought that sitting down and writing a blog was going to be so easy, but really when I sat down to do it, I was at a loss for words. I wanted to write about one thing, but then thought, I don't really know the people reading this, why would I put my business out there, but then again I mean there are billions on people on this website. So, I decided to tell you a little bit about the life of Shelley. Everyone has their own bit of "craziness" in their life. Well, I have craziness for about 500 people. I am 20 years old, I work full time, go to school part time, and raise an eight month old daughter, with the help of my family. I never thought I could do it all, but I found that when you have children, it's amazing what you will do everyday just so they can live a good life. I work, go to school, and wake up everyday for my daughter. Before her, my life wasn't so great. I have all the problems a typical person expierences at least once in their life, amongst other things. I believe all things happen for a reason, and I believe that my daughter is here for a reason. I was going to a place of no return, and she saved me. I am a very open person. I have my opinions and beliefs, and respect others for having theirs. I don't ever put people down or try to change the way the feel. I believe that my daughter was put on this earth for a reason. I am blessed for that. I believe that everyone has a purpose, some may not know it now, but will in time. I look at this world and almost feel sorry for my daughter. She has a world of craziness ahead of her. I can only try to educate her and hope that she will be a strong person and not give into the things that will bring her down. I expierienced the world of drugs, and it scared me to think that any child of mine would ever even know that kind of life. I've expierienced hate, war, being poor, and I can only hope for the best with my daughter. I guess no parent wants their children to make the mistakes we made, but in all reality one day they will eventually do what they want. I apologize to my parents all the time for putting them through half the things I did. Because I know how they feel now. I leave with this quote my Grandmother told me, "Make all the choices you can for her, as long as you can, because one day you won't be able to anymore."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Professor Charlton, you can leave here today knowing that I can blog.