Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't know.

I really don't even know what I want to write about today. I signed a lease on an apartment. Its now all coming together for me, and I am quite happy. I have the stresses day to do of school, work, and my daughter, and now I took on this. What the hell was I thinking. But in the same sence, I am happy with the choice that I made and feel like this decision will be the best on in the long run. I have been running around like crazy today. My daughter is sick, and I haven't seen her all day. I work constantly, and if im not working im at school. I finally got a day with just my girl and I and I played with her all day. I love spending time with her. She is getting too big too fast. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when she is a year old, or two years old. She already has such a personality.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What have schools come to today

I was watching the news last night, and there are so many things on there that piss me off. I don't even know why I watch it. The information can sometimes help my understanding on what is going on, however, I ask myself time and time again what are we coming to. I was watching the story about a girl named Phoebe who moved to Massachusetts from Ireland and committed suicide by hanging herself in her closet. She was a victim of bullying. She had girls texting, e-mailing her, as well as saying things and throwing things at her. There have been many cases like this such as Megan Meier who, in 2006, killed herself after her former friends mother actually made a fake profile to harass this girl. This week in Lewisville, Texas, a 9 year old boy hung himself in his elementary school. Another one in Massachusetts in the past year was an 11 year old boy who had hung himself with an extension cord after bullies called him gay time and time again. Seriously, what is going on with the children we are raising today? I remember going to school, which wasn't too long ago and never even worrying about that. It was starting then, I do remember how we had bullying policies, but never something like this. I am scared for my daughter to even send her to public school, what will it be like in 5 years. Parents need to start enforcing manners and teaching their children that this is not OK. I think people don't take this seriously and that's what pisses me off. Children, teenagers, even adults are committing suicide because they are being bullied. This has got to stop, our children are the future, and I want mine to survive.