Sunday, April 4, 2010

Work School Work School Easter

So after being on my death bed for a week I got back into getting to work and going to school. I was deffinatly thrown off. I was so behind on all my classes, wasn't there to take notes or understand anything, and I was broke from not being able to work. So I thought to myself oh well shit happens. Well a lot of shit happened. I never realized how much work it was to take care of a 10 month old (who is getting WAY to big for her own good), work more than 40 hours a week as a server at a beautiful fine dining restaraunt in wrightsville, and taking just three classes in school. Well to my psychology is like taking 4 classes because its so freakin confusing. Anyway, I can deffinatly say having this little break from work and celebrating Easter with my family, and my daughter was deffinatly well needed. Everything I do is for her, as well as most single mothers out there can relate. It's hard, but to come home everyday and see the smile on my girls face deffinatly makes it all worth it. I wouldn't have it any other way. People always said when you become a mother, good luck tryin to get a good nights sleep. That is no joke. But it's well worth it. I love my girl, love my life. Gotta keep goin.

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