Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fresh Flowers and Vomit

So I know the title of this blog is a little gross, but It really describes the last couple days for me. I had a terrible stomach virus, couldn't be around my baby for 2 days in fear of her getting this. I honestly felt like death. I alway overreact, and I deffinatly exagerate; however, I did feel absolutly terrible. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. On the brighter side though, I am so blessed to have a wonderful boyfriend. Bought my two dozen roses just because I wasn't feeling good, and he even held my hair when I puked. I swear I have myself a keeper. It's finally saturday and I am feeling better, the outside air is beautiful, the wind isn't too strong. I am so excited to see my girl. She is growing so fast. 10 months came too too quick. She says "kitty!" all the time, and of corse mama. she is my little angel. I am so blessed to have her. I love life. I must say, spring time just puts me in an all together good mood.

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