Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Beginnings

Most people hit a rough spot in their lives and they think its the end of the world. Well, that was me about two months ago. I had trouble with my family. I was trying to raise my daughter on my own living in my parents house. That was really hard for me to deal with because I couldn't raise my daughter, everyone was. I always was being critisized about the things I was doing beccause it wasn't what my parents did when we were growing up. I would get extremely frusterated because I wanted to teach my daughter different things then what my family taught me. Not that they raised me badly, but some people just want to raise their children their way. I know I do. I have to be thankful though because I don't know what I would do without my family and their support for me. I go to school, work, and raise my daughter. Things at home were getting pretty tense because there was a lot of stress. I decided that I needed to get out on my own, live on my own to raise my daughter and have a family. I want her to be excited when I tell her that we are going to Grandma and Pops. I really wasn't sure on how I was going to survive on my own, but once I decide I am going to do something, I make sure I do it. I started looking for an apartment, and signed a lease and moved into my new townhouse all within days. I haven't been this happy in a long time. I have my daughter, and an amazing boyfriend that are here with me. I love all the time I get to spend with my girl without having someone look over my shoulder everytime I do something. I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason, I love my life and the changes I am going through. I feel that it will just make me stronger and give my daughter a solid foundation to grow on. Ilove new begginnings.

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